Collaborators: Jonathan Slaght
Role: Co-founder of Blakiston's Fish Owl Project
Education: Ph.D. Wildlife Conservation, University of Minnesota, 2011
Affiliations: Program Manager, Wildlife Conservation Society Russia Program
Jonathan has been interested in Blakiston’s fish owls since 2000, when he photographed the first known individual in Lazo County in southern Primorye. The Blakiston’s fish owl resource selection study was the basis for his Ph.D. dissertation in Wildlife Conservation at the University of Minnesota. Fluent in Russian, he has been involved in Russian conservation for more than a decade. In addition to fish owls, Jon works on research projects involving Amur tigers and Siberian musk deer. Jon splits his time between Minnesota and Primorye.
Recent Scientific Publications:
KERLEY, L.L. and SLAGHT, J.C. 2013. First documented predation of sika deer (Cervus nippon) by golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) in Russian Far East. Journal of Raptor Research 47: 328-330. doi: 10.3356/JRR-12-00008.1
SLAGHT, J.C., J. HORNE, S.G. SURMACH, and R.J. GUTIÉRREZ. 2013. Home Range and Resource Selection by Animals Constrained by Linear Habitat Features: an Example of Blakiston's Fish Owl. Journal of Applied Ecology doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12143
ODOM, K.J., J.C. SLAGHT, and R.J. GUTIÉRREZ. 2013. Distinctiveness in the Territorial Calls of
Great Horned Owls within and among Years.Journal
of Raptor Research 47: 21-30.
PIMENOVA, B. MILAKOVSKY, J.C. SLAGHT, and D.G. MIQUELLE. 2013. Survey methods
to estimate musk deer (Moschus
moschiferus) population density and distribution in Sikhote-Alin habitats.
Pages 73-80 in Yashchenko, R.V [Ed.], Scientific
Basis for the Development of a Federal Wildlife Inventory of Kazakhstan and
Neighboring Countries. Conference proceedings. 11-12 March, 2013, Institute
of Zoology, Almaty, Kazakhstan. In Russian.
SLAGHT, J.C., D.A. MAKSIMOVA, D.G. MIQUELLE, I.V. SERYODKIN, B. MILAKOVSKY, V.A. ZAYTSEV, and E.A. PIMENOVA. 2012. The influence of logging on musk deer resource selection: preliminary results from the central Sikhote-Alin. Pp. 183-189 in Zhilyakov, L.V. [Ed.]. Innovative Technologies in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry, and Nature Conservation in the Russian Far East. Conference Proceedings. 1-2 November, 2012, Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture, Ussuriisk, Russia. In Russian.
SLAGHT, JC, S. AVDEYUK, and S. SURMACH. 2009. Using Prey Enclosures to Lure Fish-Eating Raptors to Traps. Journal of Raptor Research 43: 237-240.